Greetings, brothers and sisters! Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Steve and Susan Nichols. Our most recent home was just outside of Nashville, TN, where we raised our four adopted children, owned a couple of businesses along the way, and pastored a small, nondenominational church in Bowling Green, KY ,for 17 years.
Our favorite thing to do is WORSHIP! The Lord invited us to begin a 24hr worship center to minister expressly to His heart and also begin a free school of the arts to minister to the hearts of the people here in the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky. We are beyond excited about this assignment and what the Lord has told us concerning our ministry here!
The 24hr Worship Center will be called Black Mountain Worship and School of the Arts. For the worship part of this assignment, it will be for Him, an audience of One. It will be a holy place as it is set apart just for Him. There will be no concerts or entertainment in this place. His Word promises that “He inhabits the praises of His people.” (Ps. 22:3), and with that presence always comes change. We feel we are the least qualified to take on this challenge, but we said, ‘YES’, so His faithfulness will cover all our weaknesses. We know for sure that whatever God calls us to do, He has equipped, empowered and anointed us for the job! This is His plan and His idea. It is up to Him to provide all that we need to accomplish it, and we are fully confident and trusting that He will.
We are excited with great anticipation to see Heaven come to earth with Black Mountain Worship as we make a special place for Him here. We are also excited to see the healing and restoration of the hearts of the people as they come to the School of the Arts for lessons of all kinds. There will be music, theater, dance and visual arts, and whatever else Father has planned. The government has cut out virtually all the arts in the lower grades, so there are no feeder schools to send young musicians and artists to in high school and beyond.
The hearts need to be healed and restored and that is exactly the plan of our Lord. His Word says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Prov. 13:12). How will it all be for free, you ask? Well, part of the way that the School of the Arts will be free is from Adult classes that we will charge a very minimum fee for and any "profit" will go toward the free kids classes. The Lord has also told us that musicians and artists of all kinds will come and donate their time and talents to teach what Father has put in them…maybe for a weekend… maybe for a week or even for a longer period of sabbatical. We also hope to use the auditorium not only for recitals, plays and productions, but for university auditions as well. Most of the kids do not have the means or support from families to travel to universities for auditions, and while this may never have been done before, we are hopeful, and we serve a BIG GOD!
Instruments will be donated and come from all over. Maybe you have one in a closet somewhere that is bursting to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. He has already told us that we will have store houses of instruments and that every instrument has a designated set of hands waiting. We also have a building and it’s exactly the one Father has held for such a time as this. It is a beautifully vandalized and dilapidated, wet mess that will soon become a jewel in these mountains that brings honor and glory to the only One worthy, Jesus. Please pray about how you can join us in this great adventure. The blueprint plans for the first phase of the building have already been drawn up, and we are raring to go! The mountains are calling.

Steve and Susan Nichols, Directors
186 W Main Street Lynch, KY, 40855