Heaven’s Door Chapel is located at Lake Cumberland Resort in Burnside, KY. This beautiful structure is an all cedar exterior with a beautiful interior.
This Chapel is a house of prayer. We are currently open for prayer on Thursday nights to pray for the community and people who come for prayer. Our intent is to work with churches in the community, not to compete. Ministry here is much more outside the walls of the building. We make connections with needs in the community and distribute resources available to us to those in need. We are located in southern Pulaski County next to McCreary County, an area of great need.

Our facility, when complete will be used to facilitate missions groups that will come to meet the needs in the surrounding area. Currently, the lower level of the chapel is being developed into restrooms, showers and a kitchenette.
Dave and Kathi Schaffer joined the Meridzo staff as the Directors of Heaven’s Door Chapel in April of 2018. In February of 2021, Kathi passed away. Prior to her passing God prepared Curt and Kayla Middaugh to help with the ministry. They are volunteers who live in Wayne County and are volunteer partners in ministry with Dave Schaeffer as the director.

They will be networking with other ministries in a 3 county area in order to provide opportunities to serve as well as resources to help those in need. If you desire to support this ministry, you can donate to Meridzo Ministries and designate your gift to Heaven's Door Chapel.
Pray for the completion and expansion of this exciting ministry.
Quote from Meridzo Founder Lonnie Riley,
“Heaven’s Door Chapel will present an unparalleled opportunity to minister to a segment of society that is often overlooked. People of all socio-economic cultures have needs particular to that culture. This will provide a venue to assist this growing segment of our area."
Email us to book your missions trip to Heaven's Door Chapel!

Heaven’s Door Chapel
Dave Schaeffer, Director
691 Roberts Bend Road Burnside, KY 42519
(Located in Lake Cumberland Resort)