ECCO Food Needs
ECCO currently serves over 40 families each month through our Food Box Distribution. The items listed below are foods we try to include in our food boxes each month. We ask that items collected stay within the listed items above. Standard can size, 11oz-15oz, please. Please make sure food is in date. If your church would prefer to raise money and make a monetary donation, we can order from our food supplier locally. Thank you for your willingness to help ECCO provide food for our community and other local communities.
Food Items Needed
Canned Corn
Canned Green Beans
Canned Carrots
Canned Peas
Canned Greens – Collard, Mustard Greens
Canned Beets
Canned Yams
Canned Mixed Vegetables
Instant Potato Flakes
Pork and Beans
Canned Black Beans
Canned Pinto Beans
Canned Kidney Beans
Canned Peaches
Canned Pears
Canned Fruit Cocktail
Canned Applesauce
Canned Chicken
Canned Tuna
Vianna Sausages
Canned Hams
Macaroni and Cheese
Canned Soups
Spaghetti Pasta
Elbow Macaroni Pasta
Spaghetti Sauce
Canned Tomatoes – Diced
Pancake Mix
Pancake Syrup
Peanut Butter
Canned Chef Boyardee Items